Tuesday, December 11, 2012

all wrapped up

...and nowhere to go.

i finally bit the bullet and covered vixen today. with the weather turning decidedly colder i had been meaning to for a few weeks, since i'm obviously not riding much at the moment. i was going to do it this past weekend, but i woke up sunday morning to rain. i was going to do it this morning, and just as i was about to head out the door, what do i see but the first few drops. i rushed outside, throwing the cover on her backside, wiped down the front before covering it, and repeated with the back. now she's safely under cover for what could be another cold, snowy winter.

and i have mixed feelings about it. i can't help but feel a little bit defeated, as if i'm admitting i'm not hardcore enough to ride year round, or that i'm not a true motorcyclist. and maybe some of that is true, but i'm not sure it's a bad thing. part of it is also just common sense, realizing that no, i don't ride that much anymore, and when i do it's more transportation than pleasure. and maybe i'm ok with that too. as i continue to transition, things are going to phase in and out. it's awkward sometimes, a little uncomfortable, and can be scary. but that's life. as with the seasons, goes the blog, it seems, and so we'll have to see how much i continue to update now that i have truly called it for the year.

although, in more upbeat news, i have been, for the past few weeks, working on a book about my trip. it's an idea that's been floating around in my head since i finished (or started, actually), but couldn't really find the right way to approach it. i started a few times before, but it felt off. mainly because i had already written practically an entire book with my blog (i checked, around 25k words. half a manuscript). and partially because i didn't really want to just write a travelogue. i needed something more. i needed more of myself in there. and i finally figured out a way to approach it that made sense.

writing about it in this way has also caused me to reexamine it in new ways as well. i always thought that, first and foremost, it was about the bike. about getting to take a ride like that, on the open road. and part of it was, but i don't know if it was the major factor. a large part of it was about the journey i took with myself (as cliche as it sounds), and the bike may have been the method that best suited where i was in my life. as i write, i'm not waxing philosophical about the best roads, or the prettiest vistas, or how nice it was to get back in the saddle. ok, i am a little bit. but not as much as i thought. we'll have to see how it ends up. constant questioning, that's me.

and, to be honest, i don't have a whole lot more to say on the subject at the moment. even with the book, these things haven't been at the forefront of my mind. so i'm signing off now, at least for the year. maybe longer. such is life.

until next time,



1 comment:

  1. Hey, Scott. Remember me? We used to work together. I have always been a fan of your blog, and recently added you to my subscriptions. The reason I waited so long is because the most recent post that appears is from 2012. After I subscribed, many more recent posts appeared in my dashboard, but none of which are on the official page. When I click on "more," I am transferred to the blog, where a line appears that says "This page does not exist." I cannot see a reason for this.
