it's done! i am officially without car.
as of tomorrow morning i will be a full time inhabitant of seattle proper (as opposed to its lesser cousin on the eastside) and, as was the plan, i will no longer be driving a car. vixen will now be my primary mode of transportation. besides my feet that is.
to be honest i'm still not sure how much riding i'll be doing over the next few months. i'm taking her over to the new place tomorrow morning (it's going to be a cold one!) and parking her next to lots of new friends in the wonderfully available restricted parking zone (where motorcycles park free, i might add). however, one of the advantages of the new digs is that i will be walking distance to my place of business. this will save mucho dinero on commuting costs, but will mean my need for wheels will diminish. with the weather still being what it is, i can't really see a lot of joy riding in the near future, at least until it warms up a bit.
i have to admit (rather shamefully) that i pondered a minute about whether or not to even keep the old girl in my new scenario, since i'll be keeping costs down as much as i can and won't be needing wheels as much. insurance can get a little pricey, and i had a moment or two of weakness. however, after a great evening of drinks with a new friend talking about my trip (he's planning one of his own in the next year or two), i realized just how much a part of my life vixen has become, and bikes in general, and i realized i would truly regret getting rid of her. i also thought back to my pretty blue sportsbike (see one of my first posts) and how much i wish i had held on to her way back in college. i don't want to have that same regret just to potentially have a few more beer bucks per month (because let's face it, how else would i spend the money?), especially with a bike i've been through so much with. i'm hoping we'll be together for a long time to come.
anyway, though, posts may still be scarce for the rest of the (off)season, but rest assured more will be coming as i continue my mission of living a car-less life and planning more madcap adventures as i live life on 2 wheels.
cages are for wimps.
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