Thursday, July 14, 2011

break out the tent!

so, i've been doing a lot of itinerary planning over the last week. looking at the map a lot, checking mileage, and putting up more stickies of places to stay. i realized that the way i was planning it out, i wasn't going to do almost any camping, which is one of the things i've been looking forward to on this trip. i love the idea of having everything with you, and surviving just with what you have. that's one of the aspects of this type of travel that really appeals to me.

i decided to check out some campgrounds on my routes, mostly KOA, just to see what was there. at first it was just in case i couldn't find anyone to stay with, but the more i started looking the more excited i was about the prospect. there are some very cool places to camp around the country (go figure), and it would also mean i could even out my days a bit more, and not worry about some of the longer stretches i was going to have to take.

my new plan is to have two main stretches of camping, one on the way over, and one on the way back. after alburquerque, i'm planning to camp for a few days, first in oklahoma, then in hot springs, arkansas. stay with a friend of my dad in indianola, mississippi, then camp again in pensicola before hitting orlando for my first rest day. i can head up the coast (i was a little worried i wouldn't actually get to see much of the atlantic), and camp in savannah, georgia before seeing my brother in greenville, NC.

on the way back, out of chicago, i'm heading to omaha, then camping for three days in three different national parks. i'm hitting badlands in south dakota, yellowstone, and then craters of the moon in idaho. from there it's a bit of a long day to my older brother in walla walla, and a quick one home to seattle.

if everything goes to plan, i'll actually get home a little earlier than intended, but i think giving myself a few days cushion is a wise move, especially with some of the long days i'll be putting in. i havne't updated my itenerary yet to see exactly where this puts me in terms of scheduling, but i'll be home by the end of september no problem (unless there are problems).

also, not sure if i mentioned this, but i am now riding down to san francisco for sure. i have someone to carry my hurling gear in a car, and i'm going to make the whole loop on the bike. i'm really glad it managed to work out that way. it feels more like a pure bike trip, as opposed to driving to cali before actually jumping on the bike.

i'll get a new picture of the map up soon, there are quite a few more markers with all the campgrounds added.

till then, rftc,


1 comment:

  1. Does this mean that because I suck at returning phone calls I don't get to be on the map?
