Wednesday, September 8, 2010


hello! welcome to my new blog. i'm pretty terrible at introductions, so i'm just going to jump right in.

my name is scott herman, and i live in seattle, wa. firstly, i don't like using the shift key when i type, so get used to no capital letters.

this blog is a documentation of my current adventures with motorcycles, with the overarching goal of eventually riding around the world (or at least all over it). i'm not sure what all these preparations will include, but some of the plans i have include:

-learning motorcycle maintenance
-learning to ride off-road
-gaining more long distance experience (more on my past experience later)
-getting new and exciting toys for my bike (because that's the most fun part)
-traveling around the world (OK, this one's a long way off, but it's on there)

i hope to update fairly regularly, though much of these goals are limited by the fact that i am broke, and most of these plans cost money. until i get that money, i'll be posting stories, thoughts, anecdotes (different than stories) and experiences from my day to day life as a motorcyclist.

for instance:
today i (finally) transfered the title of my new bike at the licensing office. it only cost $321 and took around 45 minutes. i love licensing. luckily, everything went far smoother than some of the other people ahead of me in line. it helps to have all the necessary documents (here's a hint: if you don't have a title, you need a bill of sale). and that my bike is new enough to not need an emissions test. i'll have a shiny, new title in my name in 6-8 weeks. government efficiency at it's finest.

wasn't that interesting? over the next few days (give or take) i'm hoping to post a little about my background with motorcyling and maybe a few fantasy posts about what my dream garage would have in it.

this introductory post, however, is coming to an end. if you choose to keep following, i hope you enjoy. and, in the immortal words of citybike magazine (and my uncle jim, whom you will hear much more about): ride fast, take chances.


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